About Us

Our Values

To reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the production of food
Pre- and post-production activities along the agri-food system generate up to one-third of all anthropogenic emissions globally. This emission requires a larger food system perspective to design mitigation strategies across the entire value chain. These designs should be a blend of traditional knowledge and modern technology with extensive funding to support all the actors involved in the production of food.
The Circular Farm Company devises solutions inclusive to every grower and food producer along with the partners which start with farms of any size to large eco-restoration models globally. Our objectives include sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and incomes, adapting and building resilience to climate change, and reducing or removing greenhouse gas emissions, where possible.
Founder and CEO
  When we start taking small steps in the direction of addressing the physical and natural challenges of growing food, we believe that all great minds and working hands come together in achieving our goals. With that vision, Gayathri Ilango started The Circular Farm Company in the year 2021. Her experience in implementing urban improvement projects to fundraising for various causes along with contributions in academia supported building this initiative. She now works with different actors in the agriculture value chain to steer them towards lowering emissions in the production of food. She enjoys working on her spice farm in Cochin, gathering experiences in different farming methods through her travels globally, and volunteering with organizations to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. She is currently pursuing Sustainability program at Harvard University and a cohort of Harvard Innovation Lab


Gayathri Ilango

CEO - Founder

Bell Renner

Operations Manager

Bell Renner

Office Manager

Clemmie Miller

Marketing Manager

How Did We Get Here

When managing a small farm posed many challenges, and changes in the environment around the farm threatened our favorite food system, there was a search for a solution for the family farm. The interest in growing clean food combined with methods to improve crop nutrients, and soil health, and the passion for a transparent food system, led us on the path of discovering some of the practices that are harmful to humans and nature. When we decided to develop solutions, collaborate with partners extensively, and spread this learning globally, we established The Circular Farm Company. We now support similar communities of food producers with partners globally to address problems that start on the farm to challenges like climate change and food insecurity. We are currently implementing projects in the US and India.

Who we work
